Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Section B: Common Errors

·         Common errors
·         Lack of terminology
·         Using examples that are from the OLD exemplar responses – this is very lazy and these stats are out-dated
·         Referencing examples
·         Focus on both AUDIENCE AND INSTITUTION
·         Hardware AND CONTENT
·         Own opinion
·         By far the biggest error was the lack of specific case study examples; evidence to support claims/ arguments
-          These need to be specific examples about content, statistics, figures (audience circulation)
Synergies push people to the website
Convergence is where all their stuff is in one place - website
Points that you should have considered:
-          Positive and negative
-          Advances in technology – can do more, smartphones, iPhones, tablets, technology is more accessible/ easily available (audiences can access it on the move 24/7) web 2.0, synergies and convergence
-          Software: Apps – specific examples from each institution
-          Fanzines: exist now due to proliferation in hardware and software and their accessibility – examples – audience more demanding; they can presume through sites such as YouTube so they expect more from institutions, impatient
-          How have institutions responded top these constant changing consumer/consumption habits?
-          Rise in competition due to proliferation of hardware (Twitter, fanzines etc) and how institutions have overcome this?
-          Production and distribution; advancements in printing process – has the internet meant a decrease in sales of institutions print products? Evidence
-          Internet – institutions now have much more knowledge about their audience because of the hardware/software used – so institutions and advertisers can now target their audience much more precisely thus satisfying
-          Specific examples from your case study about that content offered
o   Convergence
o   Prosumers
o   Multi-platform approach
o   Synergy – specific evidence – driving audiences to their main product – vertical integration
-          Updated quickly
-          Who are their audiences? – stats, how do institutions content and use if hardware and synergies meet expectations; these are highly media savy audiences – evidence
-          Awards won by institutions for their content – what and when?
-          Institutions in constant race to make their products unique with UPB’s – how have MH and NME done this?
-          Difference between niche and mass/mainstream targeting – support with evidence to show comparisons
-          Music creates communities – online communities provided allowing audiences to create strong relationships with audiences with similar interests and taste’s – globalisation – thus creating stronger more loyal relationships with the brand
-          Powerful audience – Murdoch quote
-          Your own personal experience and opinion
-          The future?

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