Monday, 19 December 2011

Future PLC Case Study

1.       Who are they?
·         Media company – publish more than 150 magazines
·   This includes genres of video games, technology, automotive, cycling, films, photography
·         ‘Biggest music making publisher in both the US and the UK’ – Future PLC 2011
2.       Are they British/ Euopean/ American?
·         All
3.       What other magazines do they produce?
·         Biggest titles – Xbox 360: The Official Magazine, Total Film, T3, Guitar World and Maximum PC
·         Magazines for games, technology, music, sport, cycling
4.       What other media texts do they produce?
·         Websites for their magazines
·   Attract 7 mil visitors via,
5.       Do they produce products other than media texts?
·         Metal Hammer merchandise
·         The Heavy List – music app
· – downloadable routes and largest reviews database
·         T3 Gadgets Awards
·         Podcasts
·         Videos
6.       How important is convergence for your institution?
·         Very – used existing convergences to further appeal to prosumers
·         Important in retaining advertising revenue to remain advanced enough to attract advertisers
·         Website example of conversion
·   Nearly 60,00 individual visitors since starting (future
·   Alexa’s web traffic
1.       White male
2.       No children
3.       Educated
4.       18-24
5.       Spend 2.7 minutes
·         Targets the right market
·   Website allows them to interact
1.       Voting polls – ‘Which game are you most looking forward to in 2012?’
·         Uses Gratification Theory (1974) – sense of contributing to a community,
·         educated and entertained with video exclusives and podcasts – Trivium – Directed to muza – people can add comments/ share the videos via Twitter and Facebook – stops prosumers from going to competitors – convergence provides best service for users
·         Convergence maintains interest in Metal Hammer brand
                                                                                                                                       i.      Web 2.0 – allows user generated content
·   Future PLC offers solutions for licensing their magazines across their portfolio to iPad and iPhone
7.       How do they market their magazine?
·         At their events – target the audience they wish to sell to – virally at the events – guerrilla marketing
·         Base everything the do on passionate enthusiasts called prosumers – ‘passion for their hobby makes them like professional consumers’
8.       Use of NMT
·         Metal Hammer’s The Heavy List app
·         Facebook and Twitter account
·         Forums – like minded people can discuss festivals/ readers reviews (UGC)
·         Synergy
·   Podcasts
·   Hammerfest – own festival
9.       How does the institution distribute their magazine?
·         Sold WHSmiths, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons – m/c
·         Lidl, Esso and BP – w/c
·   Target different social classes – more chance of people buying
10.   How do they make money?
·         Merchandise
·         Hammerfest tickets
·         Online advets – on the side of the page – similar to them
·         Costs £4.25 monthly – min of £51 per person per year
·   Xbox 360 Magazine - £5.99 monthly – min of £71.88 per person per year
11.   How important is the relationship between the advisers and the magazine institution?
·         Very – as if a brand is advertised well then people are more likely to buy from them
·         People trust magazine adverts more, so companies will want to be advertised
·         Gone up online from 22%-33% (Steve Spring, May 2011)
12.   Challenges of the magazine industry?
·         Increase use of online content could wipe out printed magazine completely
·         BUT – Metal Hammer’s circulation rose to ).1% in 2011 to just over 44,000 unlike NME who fell 14.3% to 29,020 (
·   Magazine doesn’t advertise online as much
·         ‘The shift creates both a threat (in terms of potentially reducing magazine revenues) and opportunities’ (Interim Report, May 2011)
·         Because their audience are prosumers, they are ‘more engaged, more loyal, more committed and more prepared to pay premium prices for premium products’
·   Niche market means they specifically cater to readers needs
1.       Forums allow them to do this
13.   Who’s their core buyer?
·         Male
·         20-34
·         Hardrock and heavy metal lovers
·         With education
·         No children
14.   Are they targeting a niche/ small or mass population?
·         Niche – subjected to Metal Hammer Lovers
15.   How do they target audiences?
·         Target one main audience – provide them with info from a specific background – metal/ heavy rock bands and artists
·         Website – competitions and news – meet and see favourite rock bands – pod casts and videos
·         Readers can get involved on the forums – share personal views – read by Metal Hammer Company
16.   What do they offer them in terms of products they offer/ produce?
·         CD-Rom’s, DVD’s –Full Studio album from Metal Titans Furyon
·         Brochures
·         Product samples
·         Small magazines – December issue – Nightwish
·         The Heavy List app – top tracks - £5 – serious lovers of the brand would get this
·         Podcasts
·         Exclusive videos
·         Subscriptions – free gift each month
·         Merchandise
·         Twitter, Facebook accounts – Twitter – ‘Who’s your defender?’
                                                                                                                                       i.      Polls –‘ Which game are you most looking forward to in 2012?’
·         Hammerfest
17.   What opportunities do the audience have and how might this satisfy mainstreamers/ succeeders, etc?
·         Competitions
·   Win gig tickets – Wednesday 13!
·   Meet and greet – A Pale Horse Named Death
·         Not really mainstreamers cup of tea – specific audience in mind
18.   Mode of address and how does it appeal to the target audience?
·         ‘Join the Crusade’ writing style – explitive ‘F*** you!’ – readers feel a sense of community within the magazine
·         Advets stress the anti-establishment ideologies with Attitude Clothing and HMV Metal – Ticket adverts
·         Coilloquial – decreases distance between writers and consumers – reader feels like they are friends
·   Encorages people to email anything into Ask Jurgen
1.       Makes them feel worthy
19.   How is the brand being positioned?
·         ‘ultimate Bible’ for every Hard Rock and Heavy Metal fan
·         A magazine that is passionate about the music and the lifestyle that comes with it
·         Unique – only focuses on a niche market, so caters specifically for their needs – POD/USP – creates brand loyalty
20.   What are the brand values?
·         Aim to be the ‘number one provider of content’ in their ‘specialist sectors’
·         To be able to give their readers everything and anything about heavy metal etc

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