Tuesday, 20 December 2011

How to write introductions and conclusions

·         Begin with a clear argument about the new challenges facing the magazine industry incorporating how much audience consumption has changed due to digital tech/ new media tech/ the development of the internet (web 2.0)
·         MUST state what area of the media industry you have studied
·         “Technology is shifting power away from editor’s, the publishers, the establishment, the media elite, now it’s the people who are taking control” (Murdoch, 2006)

Example Paragraphs
·         “In recent times the media industry has witness’s meteoric rise in new technologies. The advancement of the internet, for example, as it entered its second phase ( web 2.0) enables consumers to access media in new and unparalleled ways . For the magazine industry, this has presented both challenges and opportunities” (taken from exemplar essay)
·         The magazine institution Future PLC describes prosumers as “enthusiasts who’s passion for their hobby makes them more like professional consumers” (Future PLC, 2010)
·         The media landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade due to advancements of digital technology, and this has directly impacted on media institutions, both the way in which they construct and produce their media texts as well as the form in which to present them.  Consumers are now more powerful than ever before and magazines such as NME (IPC Media) and Metal Hammer (Future PLC) have had to respond to the new emerging needs and demands of their audiences in order to survive; “Technology is shifting power away from editor’s, the publishers, the establishment, the media elite, now its the people who are taking control” (Murdoch, 2006).

Own first paragraph
I have been studying the way in which magazines have been produced, consumed and the many challenges that the printed word has to face, such as the increase use of web 2.0 which enables people across the world to interact with each other and the media in ways they never have before. This has impacted the magazine industry dramatically it has created many opportunities and challenges; magazines such as NME (IPC Media) and Metal Hammer (Future PLC)have had to evolve their company to suit consumer interest, which now has a more front seat role than ever before as the consumers are now prosumers.

Closing paragraphs
       Draw all of essay together in one sentence, refer back to opening paragraph
       What is the Future of the magazine industry?
       Personal insight/opinion

Example Closing Paragraphs
       Overall techno convergence is important as consumers needs alter and change but for the magazine industry to survive they must make any technological advancements not a replacement for the hard copy of the magazine as Future have so far successfully done.  As online advertising reached 18% for future it is important. (taken from exemplar essay)
       We are now living in exponential times (M. Wesch, 2008) and the use and potential of Web 2.0 is unknown.  The way in which media texts are produced by everyday ‘average’ humans and the ways in which this travels around the globe must impact on the magazine industry and media industries alike.  Will magazines survive?  In my opinion they will; they have proven they can adapt successfully within this changing climate but the extra content offered to consumers via convergences in technology, could replace the magazine itself.  They may well survive and continue to evolve but their use, construction and media form in which they exist will inevitably change.

Own Closing Paragraph

Overall, I believe that media convergence is extremely important as from what we’ve seen prosumer use has increased dramatically, and so by incorporating different platforms into a magazine brand will enable wider audience to reach it. This is something that magazine industries can do, and can do successfully, such as NME (IPC Media) who have many technological aspects to offer to their readers, which will always create interest, hence meaning that the magazine industry will never fail – although, the increase in the development of technology could wipe out the printed magazine entirely, thus signifying that despite its uses, convergence in media does have a downfall.

Exam questions
QU - Discuss the issues raised by an institution’s need to target specific audiences within a media industry which you have studied
       Prosumers, UGC, Uses and Gratifications theory*
       “The advancement of Web 2.0 and internet sites such as YouTube allows consumers to become directors, producers, marketers and distributors of their own media texts”
       “NME magazine offers their audience a one-stop-shop where they can purchase music, clothes, find out about the latest gigs, communicate with other ‘like minded’ consumers all whilst listening to their radio station or watching their TV channel, this is a truly multi-platform approach”
       Future PLC describes prosumers as “enthusiasts who’s passion for their hobby makes them more like professional consumers”
       Their target audience is predominantly 18-24 year olds (Alexa’s WebTraffic, 2010), with a majority of 64% being males (National Readership survey). 
       Metal Hammer must offer the audience fruitful opportunity to UGC (User Generated Content). 
       Overall, Future, has performed well in a declining market, with Metal Hammer and Classic Rock reporting increases in circulation, with Metal Hammer reaching a circulation of 50,269 and classic rock 70, 188 (ABC, Dec 08).
       consumers approach NME and Metal Hammer from a very personable position
       ‘Music’ naturally creates communities and consumers are incredibly passionate and create strong personal relationships with their favourite bands/artists. 
       This online community adds to the experience as users can interact with like-minded people, voting in polls such as “who has the best slipknot mask?” (MetalHammer.co.uk), giving users the sense that they are contributing to a community (Uses and Gratifications theory, 1974).  They are also educated and entertained (Use and Gratifications, 1974) with video exclusives, Metallica Live, and Opeth on tour

       Mass Vs. Niche – loyalty, audience behaviour and audience targeting
       Who their target market is – examples of how they meet it
       NME have lots to offer and a wide music base – loyal customers
       However, NME could be TOO BIG – Metal Hammer focuses on a smaller tm
       Advertising revenue and targeting
       Production and printing

Uses and Gratifications theory – 5 reasons why we consumer media texts: Information/ education – Big Fat Gypsy Weddings; Entertainment –Eastenders ; Social Integration- I’m A Celeb; Personal Identity – Skins, Shameless

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