Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jan 2009

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced to audiences, within a media ares which you have studied

Start with print -> digital technology -> NMT/ Impact of web 2.0 -> Impact on print production, distribution and circulation -> figures
                        -> Consumption -> print product - carry around mobile -> website -> go on computers -> now NMT - > iPad, iPhone, Androids -> portability -> media savvy audience - > need to target them -> web 2.0 allows this to happen -> who is their target audience - 18-24
                                                  Prosuming opportunities -> Vote for bands in NME awards - raise awareness -> makes the brand itself become friendly -> if you can physically go to the awards show -> it creates a lifestyle - > creates a community (music on its own did this) - > prosuming opportunities creates loyalty, so they come back (usesers gratification theory)
                                                                                        - Commenting
                                                                                        - Gloablisation - being able to speak to anyone anywhere at any time
                                                  Synergy -> Facebook/Twitter - uploading videos onto youtube/ email in with your band to get on their gig list -> drives people to their website
                                                  Convergence -> website - multi-platform - radio station on the website with Facebook and Twitter links - creates converegnce with other websites

Success? - are they marketing themselves well? how? NME praised for the content on their website - sourse of example

Future -> wired -> vertical intergration with their magazine and adobe
                               Two seperate ladders joining together to create a single product
          -> company magazine -> zapper app -> alows you to see the front cover as a video through this software

Competition-> USP/POD - Have them as they have won awards for this
                     -Twitter - joined them instead of competing - umbrella branding - company on youyr own - put up an umbrella underneath you - collect more companies - like branching
                    - Areas of music industry
Use NME as main - use Metal Hammer as a support - how it does the same things/ how it differs

Jan 2010

"Media production is dominated by the global insitutions, which sell their products and services to national audiences" To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Globalisation -> Digital technology -> NMT developments
                      > targeting for a national and better why? - NME = Mainstream - mass market
                                                                                     - MH= Niche - smaller share
                     -> Uses gratification theory ->
                      > Vertical intergration - brand extention - radio and TV - Facebook, Twitter - NME cONSTANTLY UPDATING THEIR BRAND
Proliferation -> loyalty -> USP
Competition-> USP/POD - Have them as they have won awards for this
                     -Twitter - joined them instead of competing - umbrella branding - company on youyr own - put up an umbrella underneath you - collect more companies - like branching
                    - Areas of music industry
                    - Prosumers -> fanzines - development of digital technology has created competition -> created by people for people -> Murdoch -> power of the consumer/ prosumers - meeting customer needs - if they don't tjhen they won't exist
                    - Synergy -> NME have music tents at festivals -> drives them to their brand -> reaches miore people
                                      Metal Hammer have Hammerfest -> smaller market -> reaches less people

Future of magazines
Bring in Murdoch

Uses and Gratifications theory – 5 reasons why we consumer media texts: Information/ education – Big Fat Gypsy Weddings; Entertainment –Eastenders ; Social Integration- I’m A Celeb; Personal Identity – Skins, Shameless

June 2010
What significance does the continuing develpoment of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences?
NMT -> eclipsing the printed magazine -> audience -> techically savvy -> alexa.com 18-24 -> would use the internet and web 2.0
Make or break -> circulation figures -> MNE fell 14.3% to 29,020 in the first half of 2011
                                                              Metal Hammer increaded 0.1% to 40,000 " "
But NME Have David Bowe special edition on iPad - usp

Significant -> Adopting
                   Replace the print mediums
Continuing development of NME
Circulation - Proliferation -> competition -> fanzines/ prosumers - Wicks
                                             Competition -> target audience and instant access _. Who are they? why are they so demmanding?
                                                                                                                             - conternt vs accessibility -convergence/ synergy - personal - if the page isn't loading then I will go on another website
How is advertising being hit because of  the development
Write a plan

Target audience. Who are they?
Mass vs Niche
Proliferation (negative vs positive)
Prosuming examples
NME, Metal Hammer, Future PLC, IPC Media
Last paragraph should always refer back to the question – I think – fits in with future

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